The Liebster Award

*Yelp* I got nominated for the Liebster award!

Thanks to Margaret @Weird Zeal for nominating me! If you check out her post (yes, yes, do it), maybe get her a wedding gift?? She just had to marry 3 different fictional people. I take it it’s been wild.



  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Answer the nominator’s 11 questions.
  • Come up with your own set of 11 questions to be answered by the nominees.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers of your choosing



1. What’s your favorite book that you’ve read this year?

The one I’m reading right now. Dis one. It’s great.


2. If you could have the powers of any superhero for a day, whose would it be?

The Flash’s. I could walk through solid matter, read a ton of books in one sitting, create lightning and manipulate time. But it’d be mostly for the speed. I want to travel. World, here I come.

Image result for the flash

3. What’s a book you can read over and over again?

Well why don’t I just… *points you to my last post*


4. What’s a book that you wished didn’t have to end?

I didn’t want Caraval to end. I NEED ANSWERS. So glad Legendary’s coming out soon.

But twisting the question a little bit, I’M NOT WOLVERINE, I CAN’T HAVE A BOOK THAT NEVER ENDS. Time constraints, you know?

5. What’s the last book that’s been recommended to you?

The 100Sophie @Blame Chocolate did it. And hey, if you want to recommend any, my tbr’s so ready to fall over and crush me, but I’ll check it out!!

6. What’s the last book you’ve recommended to someone else?

Prooobably Ender’s Game. Repeatedly. Like… a thousand times. And by the way, YOU SHOULD READ IT!! *1001*

7. Do you have any pets? What are their names?

Ohhhhh, yes. People, meet the mini zoo. Mini zoo, meet the people.

I have a bird, my sister’s dog, and the cats somehow cloned themselves, because I blinked and there were 8?? I promise I wasn’t trying to be a crazy cat lady. It’s so not my fault. They’re adorable, though. And nuts. All our pets are some kind of crazy – one of the cats is addicted to cucumber and the bird likes to throw his food around for the fun of it. As for the names, they’re Jimmy, Maya, Olly, Shado, Willy, Benji, Malu, Zoe, Angel and Johnny. Shado was my idea. Because why not name your kitten after a cool archer girl who’s killed people. #Logic.

8. What’s your favorite children’s book?

Harry Potter. Yes, I realize that’s not a single book. Also, The Mysterious Benedict Society… Which… Is also not a single book… Okay, I broke this question.

9. What’s your favorite kind of weather?

I don’t really have a favorite favorite… I love sunny. And snow. Just not too hot or too cold. Aaaand rainy days can be so nice sometimes… When it’s cool, and gray and there’s that nice soft light that makes you want to curl up and read all day.

10. If you could have a conversation with any dead author, who would it be?

Lewis Carrol. If you can come up with something like Alice in Wonderland, you must be fun to talk to. Or, you know, I could ask C.S. Lewis where the real doors to Narnia are. Either works.

11. Is there a particular blog that inspired you to start blogging?

I only started reading blogs often after I started blogging myself, so not really. Howeverrrr, I was still figuring out my own posts and being unsure about everything, and then I read Cait’s blog and remembered I CAN BE MY CRAZY SELF ANYWHERE. It’s more fun and such. I make no apologies. So, let’s call that second degree insanity inspiration, and go eat cake.


I nominate you!!

First, you’re all awesome. Second, if you feel like doing this, consider yourself nominated even if your name isn’t down here. Third, if you’ve already done the award/don’t feel like it because who has the time to answer this girl’s crazy questions anyway, just go eat chocolate instead. It’s… the only valid alternative. You have to do one or the other. I’m not making this up. *questions below*

By the way, I found out there’s a link-up for this award (thanks to Lili!), with an annual Liebster winner? So, if you’d like to enter that… Go here.


My Very Normal Questions

  1. What’s one place you wish was real?
  2. One book you can’t stop screaming about?
  3. The first 15 words you can think of right now?
  4. If you were stuck on a deserted island, would you rather be rescued, or have everything you’d need to live a nice beach life on your own?
  5. What would you NEVER talk about in your blog?
  6. If you could do anything for a day, what would you do?
  7. What’s one food you’re obsessed with?
  8. What author would you like to meet the most, and what would you do with them?
  9. Would you rather be able to fly, or breathe underwater?
  10. If you could shape shift, what would you shift most often to?
  11. What fictional pet would you love to have?


Smol Sidenote

I know it’s extremely unlikely, but do you have any YA quotes that you absolutely love?? Please tell me! In the comments! I’ll murd— *ahem* do something fun with them in my next post. You won’t regret it. Okay, you might. sidenote over

Let's talk!

What’s your favorite kind of weather? Did anyone inspire your blog?? And where would you go first if you had super speed??

18 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

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  1. Aww thank you so much for the tag ! I already has one done, but I may answer your questions on some time 🙂 -and breaking it with no more questions..xD im awful at that…-

    also. KITTIES! that’d so be me, but with dachshunds. except I don’t think my youngest would appreciate x) as she’s already jalous of her older brother; that was here before her so ermh. problem 😂Also I may not have enough lap space for a 3rd one ..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hahaha… I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw your cats. they do clone themselves.. They;re so cute. There are tons of them at my parent’s house. the last time I visit them there were 14.. that was last year, I don’t want to think how many are there now. And they all have names, I mean how can one possibly remember all their names, especially that some of them look the same. at least for me they look the same. I’ve always wanted pets but I don’t think cats are for me. No matter how cute they are, they don’t seem to like me. Like cats and I are not compatible. hehe..

    ANyway, congrats with this award. you totally deserve this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so welcome!! 😂😂 Haha, I love them so much, but they areeee a lot of work! We’re giving some up for adoption 😅 Thank you for tagging me, it was fun to do! 😆


  3. AWW I’M SO HONOURED RIGHT NOW!! 💖💖Also super glad that you blog the way YOU want to and have fun with it! That’s definitely the best way. Eeep! And I loved reading your answers (A Darker Shade of Magic is so good omg) And I think my favourite weather is like super blue clear skies, but a little bit cold. 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Holy moly those kittens are freaking adorable. Also, 100% was led into the madness of book blogging by the lovely Cait.

    Also congratulations on the award! And ty so much for the nomination!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congrats on the nomination! 😀
    Hahaha I love that you’re your crazy self online, it makes my day to read your posts ^^ And OMG so many cats I love it ❤ ❤ ❤ *_* If I could I'd have that many as well, but alas I could only afford to live with one crazy feline (yes, she's insane but she's also super adorable so it kind of makes up for it? Sort of?)
    I'm so glad you'll try The 100! I personally prefer the show, as I've probably already told you, but I enjoyed the different perspective the book offered anyway.
    Also thanks so much for tagging me ❤ I already did this one but I'll try and do it again sometime in the future if I manage to catch up to all my tags D:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, and ahhh, that makes MY day 😆 Oh I love crazy cats. They can be a handful, but they’re so fun. Ours were just too many though, so we just gave some for adoption (and yes, it makes up for it! xD)
      You’re welcome, I hope you have fun with it! 😆 And best of luck catching up with everything 🙃


  6. Thank you for the nomination!! Your pets are the absolute cutest 🙂 and Cait is SO inspiring! Anyway, let’s see… I think I’d like Hogwarts to exist in reality – although I know it’s not very original 😀 a book I keep recommending had got to be Deathless by Catherine Valente (OMG it’s just so good, a semi-retelling as well). I’d want to be rescued I think because I’m afraid I would just die within a day in an island all alone 😀 and I would always choose flying!! Shape shifting is a tough question! I guess stay human, but develop cat ears and adjust my height? 😀 and for pets… I don’t know about fictional pets, but if it was a cat who could literally just talk to me, that would be amazing. Fun questions! 🙂 sorry about the YA quotes though – I actually don’t read all that much YA 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! 😄 Oh lol, a talking cat would definitely be fun. And I completely get that, I wouldn’t make it living on my own! The first thing on my list of “needs” would be a person to come live with me😂


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